Where the Light Gets In

By DHThomas


This is in answer to LazooliGirl's blip of today. :-D

No, we haven't yet opted for a Kindle or any other device allowing people to read without opening a book. You know, this thing made of paper, with little signs printed all over the page, that allows you, as you read, to get a feeling of what you've read already and what remains for you to read?

Yes, a book can be heavy in a bag but, admit it, it is a rare occasion when you carry more than one. When the occasion arises, it is for holidays. And then, what's a book or two more in a suitcase? Or twenty, for that matter? :-D

All this is said (or rather, written) in jest, of course. But we do love our books and don't mind that they are in several rows on our shelves (this is one of six in our flat, and we've got at least as many in our house in Brittany), and actually cringe at the idea of getting rid of them... We're a bit mad that way! :-)

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