My wall...

...or is it the neighbours.

Hopefully we won't need to find out, as that will mean it needs something doing to it :)

Strange day today. I managed to get to the council tip with a boot full of garden waste, then filled up the 1 ton builders bag again. But only just in time before the heavens opened (not for the first time today).

Only this time, rain was not enough and we had a 5 minute hailstorm.

It looked really strange looking out of the bedroom window as the lawn started to turn white, 3 days away from July.

Anyone would think Glastonbury and Wimbledon are on at the moment. 2 English events (alongside cricket) top bring about the rain normally.

Mrs H took JJ off to his first party (as opposed to gatecrashing C's parties), with one of his friends from nursery reaching the grand old age of 3!

So whilst they were out, I continued my outside cleaning frenzy by jet washing the front path, the steps down the side of the house; and the patio by the kitchen.

Add to the fact that I ran again last night; I am now aching all over.

So time to sit back, pour myself a Bulmers and watch the Brazil Chile game (which I had to record earlier)

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