On strike

After the trials of the last week, I decided that this weekend was not going to involve work.
Instead, I have been baking and cooking - but I like doing that.
Also managed to complete a big personal project, a gift that has needed to be put together ready to be produced. Was getting rather urgent, so it's been done now.
Not looking too bad today, for a woman who has found it difficult to stand up at times because of the pain.
Despite my trials, I have realised that one of the short term (3 month long) symptoms of the last round of treatment seems to be fading - night sweats have stopped and daytime flushes seem to be fairly minimal, so that's something to be cheerful about. Especially as it means that husband dearest doesn't have to be banished to the spare bedroom any more.
Am lucky to have great people in my life.
Makes up for all of the general rubbish.
Nice chat with Fisherking this afternoon as well.
All in all, it seems that a self imposed strike action seems to have resulted in a good day.
Just noticed I have a red wine moustache. Result!!!

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