
By pixelatedpete

the jack of the flood in spades

flooding is expected around here and the village is really a flood defence with houses. here the water gets to about three feet deep over the road but it is ok. our ancestors built the foot path four feet higher than the road.

funny day. skiing cancelled to pay for fixing a house i don't even live in. trip to hospital. argument. oh well.

"Isn't it strange how life won't flow, like a river, but moves in jumps, as if it were held back by locks that are opened now and then to let it jump forwards in a kind of flood? There are these long still stretches, nothing happens, each day is exactly like the other, plodding, uneventful, and then suddenly there is a crash, mighty deeds take place, momentous events, even if one doesn't know it at the time, and then life subsides again into the backwaters till the next push, the next flood?"

Anita Desai, Clear Light of Day

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