
By Namaikisaru

Tables turned

The tables have been turned. Now the blipper becomes the blipped.

Here is a picture of a flower I took this morning when the rain stopped and the clouds parted like the opening to the Simpsons. I never post pictures of flowers. I haven't got too much else to offer. I was too busy talking about cameras to point my own camera at anything much and then Daring2Go blipped me unawares!

My first blipmeet today. I would like to return the favor and post a picture of Jilian in Yodobashi camera but I only have a couple of shots and they aren't very good. Though I may yet put them on Flickr.

If you haven't yet met up with another blipper, I heartily recommend it. It was great to know that I don't have enough cameras yet and that I'm not mad....or at least not alone in my madness. I would have loved to have spent more time taking photos and chatting but I had to get back home to make everyone's dinner.

Hope you have a pleasant trip back to NZ!

Here are the extras

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