
By champignons

History in action

They were having a day of battles at cheriton, which is where there was a civil war battle. British civil wars were less interestingness that American ones, due to crap weaponry. Mr nut was very interested in the remote controlled tanks (which daddy said he couldn't have a go on, which he was having a go on by the time I got back from the loo, so daddy lost that battle) and also the final battle by the American civil war reenactors. Mostly because it had cannons. Three. They were loud. There were a lot of guns too, none of this waving pikes around nonsense. I captured a bit on video, which includes the nut squealing in glee because seine died just in front of him.

We'd been round their camp in the morning, they were lovely guy and very enthusiastic about history. They'd been sleeping in authentic tents and let the nut eat some authentic appley breakfast bread. I also bought hima shield, so he's gone to bed very happy.

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