A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Open Air Theatre, Regent's Park

I feel like we've done a lot today but it seems to all have happened at a Sunday pace so I'm ending the day with that lovely chilled out, tired, contented feeling.

I swam first thing. Then the boys headed off to a Go Ape birthday party and me and Anna had a morning of music practice (singing and double bass) and house tidying. After a hearty breakfast at which Anna asked for a full Tulley breakfast....this turned out to be a fried egg, toast, chorizo, strawberries and kiwi fruit. We quickly renamed it the full Anna breakfast as it really is not to anyone else's tastes.

Into town to all meet up for a picnic in Regent's Park before seeing Twelfth Night at the Open Air Theatre. A little showery but nothing disruptive and the performance was excellent.

Home, World Cup, roast lamb dinner, Suits...

All good,
Lesley x

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