
By ChrisCant

Visiting Edible Garden visit to Church Brough

Lovely visit to Val's garden in Church Brough with - deep breath - sweet peas, the outdoor melon seedlings, bean plants, red chard, three varieties of strawberries, pumpkin seedlings - borage plants, parsley, chrysanthemum daises, outdoor basil, scabious, cornflowers, Tomtato, raspberries, blueberries, marigolds, french marigolds, artichokes, parsnips, leeks, beetroot, artichokes, fennel, white sweet peas, onions, poppies - two types, spring onions, poached egg plants, strawberry bags with Florence and Flamingo varieties, nigella, orlaya, morning glory.

Well done for the list Val! And thanks for the pumpkin seedling.
I hope the rotating summer house works out.

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