
By NoveltyBobble


It's just a shot of the side of a ladder. Got used to cut down the ivy from around the house, and needed something quick and odd to shoot.

Fab. day in general. Had my order approved today at the VW dealership. In many many months to come, I will be the proud owner of a Golf R. I've been a life long Alfa fan, but the missus has eventually ground me down and got me to buy a VW. It's a helluva lot of money, but come the end of the year, I'll be squeaking like a pig in mug at all the DSG, 300 horses and dead cow upholstery goodness.

Have also managed to get myself a decent decorator to get an unused property of mine back into tip-top shape at quite a reasonable price. So it's all about money going out, I best start prostituting myself out on the street. Anyone up for a middle aged man with middle-aged-man-middrift?!?! Eh? Eh? Slap the fat and ride the ripples....

And in other news. Apple have announced that they are not going to be doing any further major development work on Aperture. Yep, the piece of software I use to maintain my library of photos. Hopefully it's planned successor isn't going to bugger up all my years of saving....

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