The second half of life..

By twigs

This is getting weirder by the moment....

[written on Jan 19th]

I remember editing this shot.....

I remember writing about the day......

And then tonight I just noticed a gap in my blip calendar where this shot was supposed to live....


I guess I can't be absolutely certain that I finished the whole edit/write/upload/confirm process (I hate it when that happens!) so I shall have to put its no-show down to age.

Anyway, I usually plant my hanging baskets sometime around November but this summer various things have stopped me from doing so......not least of all myself! Anyway - for both the planting and the blipping all I can say is 'better late than never'.

The next weird thing happened when I just went to confirm this new late flipped out, my writing disappeared and I had to start all over again....

Double weird!!

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