
By Moiety

Corcovado from the Lagoon

We rented bicycles for four hours during our last day in Rio. Our plane for Lisbon did not leave before the evening so there was ample time to take one final look at the beautiful city.

Actually this photo was taken the day before, but since the date on the camera is set on Finnish time we were actually biking in the early hours of the 26th :)

So after our plane had landed in Lisbon at 12 noon we checked in to our hotel and tried to stay awake until the evening. We went out for a stroll along the shady park avenues and tried to take a tram ride up the hill: first waited for 15 minutes for the driver to arrive and then another ten minutes in the full tram for it to start. Unfortunately there was something wrong with the engine and the ride was cancelled in the end.

A flight back to Finland early in the morning tomorrow.

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