Hola I'm Mini Claws

By MiniClaws

Angelic boy

Today was a super busy day. We started at church where Daddy was leading the service and playing the bass, and Mummy was running the sound desk and computer and looking after me. I was a very good boy and slept through some of it, and somehow Mummy managed to run everything and feed me a few times too! After church we got in the car and drove to North Shields where Grandma and Granda live. We went to their afternoon service at church and I met lots of people and saw Great Gran again. In the evening we saw some American friends, Laura and Cameron, who were visiting - Mummy used to babysit for Cameron and his sister Hailey about 10 years ago when they lived in England. As they were leaving, I got a really sore tummy and it lasted all evening. I cried and cried and Mummy and Daddy and Grandma tried everything to help me feel better. Around 11 o'clock it finally from better, and this picture is of me afterwards, when I was in a lovely mood! After all that, I had a good feed and had a really good sleep.

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