Look, See, Click

By lookseeclick


I thought this evening was going to be a homely, lolling about kind of evening but just before 5pm I got the call. Did I fancy meeting Rol for tea at Take5 then nipping in to the Art School to have a look at the degree show.

"The gang are going to be there and Tony has won the Bishop's Prize. And Antony Gormley has bought one of his pieces "

Okay. Why not?

So we did. It was crazily busy at the Art School (official name Norwich University College of the Arts - the logo is a wonky 'N') so not exactly conducive to looking at the works on display so after a short time we decamped to the Playhouse to catch up and chat with chums. Including Sally and David, who you see here, whose wedding we were at a couple of weeks ago.

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