
By katgirl

Mesquite hazard

Our neighborhood is not flooded with Street lights. Many areas are dark or very dim at night. With Bob gone, James and I have had the time to take Cleo on 2 mile walks well after dark. We wait that long in order for the temperature to dip below 100F and for the pavement to cool off enough not to burn Cleo's paws.

One of my great annoyances is when people leave something or allow something to be in the right of way on the sidewalk. Examples include the bike wheel I tripped over, cars parked across the sidewalk, the thorny tree branches at eye level, and this thorny Bush growing on a very dark Street that scratched up my legs. Grr! I guess some people forget that other people might want to walk or jog on their neighborhood. Ranting is over now. Thank you.

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