Fishing Fleet

I haven’t exactly expended a lot of energy going after blips lately so tonight I thought I’d make an effort to get out and see what I could come up with and that involved getting in the car and heading to several of the local hot viewing spots. I started out by taking about 5-mile unintentional detour which was all the more embarrassing because I wasn’t lost – I just wasn’t paying attention. By the time I got where I was headed, the sun was in the wrong spot but I took a few pictures anyway. While I was there a nice family pulled into the parking lot and asked for directions to a market. I believe they’re probably well on their way to another state by now because I gave them a perfectly awful, confusing set of directions and it’ll be a wonder if they ever get back to civilization. What’s worse, as I watched them drive away I remembered that there was a local supermarket about two miles away that I hadn’t even thought about. I feel bad about that. I hope they’re okay.

I’m not very good with sunset pictures so I detoured to the marina on my way home and came up with this blip which I liked – no particular reason.

Tomorrow I have an appointment with a neurologist who is going to do an EEG. Apparently there’s something going on in my head besides brain activity. I’m a little nervous but trying not to worry. Maybe whatever it is will make me smarter. I can hope.

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