I Haven't the Heart......

.... to take photos today.

I rushed Neo to the vets this morning before they even opened. A different vet today, a nice young man, who said:-

'You have two options, put him down or operate.' Of course there was only going to be one answer now, but also the price seemed to have gone up from yesterday (to 3 weeks pay now!!) I didn't ask why, my guilt over not letting Neo have the operation yesterday wouldn't let me ask the question.

He will have to stay at the vets for 2 days after the operation, that's if he survives, as his heart might give out.

I left him there, and went and sat beside Christian's grave, and cried. I'd sat up with Neo all night, with Sophia following him around the house. Strangely enough I don't feel tired, just fidgety and sad.

The vet said he would ring later. He did first at 1pm, to say Neo had come through the operation, but that his kidneys were not in good shape and he had a heart problem. Also he was not responding too well after he came round from the anaesthetic.

He rang back again at 5pm, to say he was a bit better. He just has to get through the night now.

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