
By middaypyjamas


This happy fellow was busy foraging through the lawn today as I looked through the window of my freshly cleaned study. Watching him was actually more entertaining than I had previously though, thanks to his high level of skill. He would jump to a spot, turn his head slightly to the side as though he was intently listening, and then snatch a worm out of the ground and swallow it before I could even catch it on camera. It was quite amazing, especially as before he plucked the worm from the ground I would have sworn there was no worm there, which indeed there wasn’t, but somehow he knew it was lurking just beneath the surface.

Apart from creepily watch birds through the curtains of my study I also in the evening went with Jono and George down to Angela’s yoga studio. The plan was to go do a yoga session with her before having some dinner. Unfortunately due to some bad traffic we were held up and so in the end had to just settle for the dinner. It was Thai and it was delicious, my much preferred kind of foraging.

- Damian

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