
By PurbeckDavid49

Old market place, Miltenberg, Franconia/Bavaria

A delightful, well preserved medieval town on the banks of the river Main.

This group of half-timbered ("Fachwerk") houses in the town's old market place are late medieval, probably dating from the sixteenth century; the fountain is in Renaissance style.


Stone quarried in Miltenberg was transported downstream to Mainz and used in the construction of the town's cathedral during the tenth century. This stone is called "Bunter", short for Buntsandstein or variegated sandstone.


The reference in the title to Franconia needs to be explained. This is an historical area of Germany with a distinct culture and tradition, and well known for its superb wines. Nearly all of Franconia is comprised in the northern part of the state of Bavaria.

[This blip was added retrospectively in July 2014.]

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