Bits and Bobs!

By Kate64

"We're sorry to announce....

....that the 1436 from Southampton is delayed by approximately 50 minutes."

...was what I heard repeatedly, as I sat in Bath Railway Station car park this afternoon, waiting for my dotty Godmother to arrive. The train had been delayed right from the start of her journey in Southampton, but it didn't occur to her to phone me and let me know, grrrr..... And what with heavy traffic, a return journey that should have taken 40 mins, took 2 hours 10 mins!

Anyhow, we've opened a bottle of wine and have just had a lovely meal in the garden on a sunny Summer's evening so things are improving. Except there's no World Cup football on tele this evening, what am I going to do?!! Don't tell anybody, but I've actually enjoyed the last eight matches, especially the ones that went to extra time and penalties! But don't worry, the novelty will soon wear off!!

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