
By Leslabelle

El scorchio

Today went behind a blur.

Got to the dentist who ummed and ahhhhed and pretty much gave me a bo***cking about the fact I hadn't come back after my last appointment to get said tooth fixed hence it had broken even more causing the pain I was in now. Then she said but don't worry.

The upshot is I have to get it taken out which is what I wanted anyway but she couldn't do it there and then as it was just a short emergency appointment. Arghhhhh!

So after making an appointment to come back on Thursday morning to get the job done I trotted off to the chemist to get my antibiotics on the way back to work.

I've had so many pills over the last 48 hours I must rattle.

The pain hasn't really diminished at all yet though.

It was so hot in the afternoon and the car was like a sauna (with only 1 window out of 4 working and being able to be opened) so I didn't stop Bailey going in the sea where he wallowed with great glee and afterwards we sat in the shade of a huge oak tree and watched the world go by.

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