
By Delamanda

Oxtering Drogon

I don’t really do pets, but occasionally I think it would be nice to have one and I get rather enthused by the idea. However, whenever I broach the subject, MisterMac raises some objection. My efforts, a few years ago, to steal baby panda from Vienna Zoo were thwarted by economic arguments -fair enough, MM had a point: pandas eat 20 kilos of bamboo a day and at 89p for a 225g tin from the supermarket, that would work out at about £550 a week (and that’s the cheap stuff, if we went for a brand name – which I probably would – we could add a good 30% to that). So ever since baby panda was shipped back to China, I’ve been pretty quiet on the pet front … until recently. Having become totally obsessed with Game of Thrones, I have a hankering for a pet dragon, but MisterMac – once again – is just seeing all the negatives (they don’t exist, think of the fire risks etc.). Anyway, I was delighted when he came home tonight clutching a mini Drogon for me. And here is Drogon watching Daenerys Targaryen “oxtering” his namesake (oxter = ‘To support by the arm, walk arm in arm with; to take or carry under the arm; to embrace, put one’s arm around’, OED). I suspect MisterMac would quite like to be oxtered by Daenerys, but if he comes home tomorrow with a plastic model of Emilia Clarke, I shall start to worry…

Day #181 of a 365 project, where the daily pic is informed by the OED word of the day.

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