Sweet Potato, Carrot & Corriander Soup

Mrs B's staple every lunchtime, and the reason for her orange glow!

Here's the recipe if you're interested:

Sweet Potato, Carrot & Corriander Soup

Like most soup recipes, the quantity of the ingredients is not critical, so bear this in mind when following the recipe below.

You will need a hand blender for this recipe

makes about 6 portions

500g (peeled weight) Sweet potato
500g (peeled weight) Carrot
1/2 stick Celery (Wash and freeze the rest and use it for future soups)
1 small Onion
A little oil (any - I use Olive oil)
Corriander (Fresh or one cube of "Corriander Made Easy" - see below)
1 Vege Stock Cube (I use Kello Organic, but any will do)
1/2 pint Milk (optional, and you can add more or less to taste)

1. Peel and roughly chop the onion.
2. Fry it gently in a large pan for about 5 minutes until it softens in about a dessert spoon of oil (don't brown the onion)
3. Peel and roughly chop the other vegetables
4. Add to the pot with the onions
5. Add water to the pot until the vegetables are only just covered.
6. Add the stock cube.
7. Cover the pot with a lid, bring to the boil and simmer for 40 minutes.
8. Remove from the heat and blend until smooth.
9. Add the corriander (quantity to your own taste) and mix in well.
10. Add the milk.

If the soup is too thick add more milk or water
Taste and add salt or another stock cube if necessary, and pepper, if you like pepper.

"Corriander Made Easy" - I get this from Tesco http://www.tesco.com/groceries/Product/Details/?id=268535498. I squeeze it into an ice cube tray and freeze it until I need it

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