Treasure Everywhere

By RobT

Giessereihalle, Zurich

Back-blipping as yesterday was a very long day. Out of bed at 5:15 and back home at 00:15. In between I spent a lot of time travelling and at airports, and the afternoon and early evening in Zurich for work.

I had half an hour to kill and the next building to the office was a huge converted steel foundry, now a mixed-use retail / food court / leisure centre emporium. This was a fortunate find as my latest photo assignment is about 'buildings and their uses'. I took lots of pictures before I saw the 'no photography' sign. These Swiss seem to like their privacy!

Writing this on Wed night very late, in Nice joining AnnW for a little break... she came out a couple of days ago so I have some catching up to do on the relaxing front.

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