
By YoungestDonna

Moth totem

Two giant moths appeared tonight, one at each door of the trailer. They were unlike anything I've ever seen before. I paid special attention because, although I've been doing office work for over over 2 years with a shaman/medicine woman that I'd studied with over a decade ago,, I've kind of fallen off that path and we'd just talked about how I might get back on.

I love how this campground attendant experience is connecting me more with nature, and I'd commented that if the birds and wildlife of the area could adapt to the noises of the highway then I could too.

So these giant beautiful moths appear and I can't remember what message the moth has to bring so I have to look it up, but of course, it all makes sense if I think about it. The moth is a nocturnal animal and they appear to assist with turning darkness to light, or finding our way in the dark. I should expect something to be illuminated soon. Sure hope I don't throw myself to my death slamming into a lamp instead.

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