Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

LOGIC will get you
from A to B.
will take you

Albert Einstein

Yesterday evening my glasses broke, just behind one of the screws on the side. I tried to use super glue to fix them but just then and there they didn't want to cooperate and my glasses didn't fit well, so to speak. Buying a new pair isn't on the table right now for several reasons, so I was a bit unhappy about it.

This morning I got up earlier and went in to the train station to take some photos of this lovely old train. We are taking a trip with it with my work in a few weeks and I'll tell you about it then. We were several photographers on the platform and one of them and I got talking as we waited for the little train to start moving. The smoke blew around and in this shot I thought it got a bit of that 'mystery feeling' from an old detective store, like Miss Marple. Or it would have, if I'd crop away the side of the station that isn't right for that era… :D

I went on, did other errands for work and just popped in to the shop where I bought my glasses, several years ago. I just thought I ask them if they had a 'spare part' - because the same thing happened on the other side for almost a year ago and I got that part changed. The lovely woman I expressed my concern for took my glasses away and were gone for about 20 minutes - she came out to a colleague of hers a couple of times muttering about a little screw who wouldn't stay in place. When she finally came back my glasses were fixed again and I didn't have to pay for the new part, since it was a used part. Now I have a green 'front', one blue side and one light brown side. :)

When I came to work I had my second treat for the day! A dear sweet friend I hadn't seen for too many weeks was there and I got to hug her for a long time! :)

And on top of that, later during the day, I got to hear that my french accent is very good. :)
Good day. :)
And tomorrow it's friday… crazy how fast the days go by...

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