Wood's adventures

By Pippilongstock

In the evening sunshine

Day 5...

1) Piccolos. Our weekly singing group. TWW did the typical prove Mummy wrong today. As soon as I commented that I wondered if going was for my benefit more than his, he seemed to enjoy the session more than he has in weeks/months. The highlight today had to be him playing three maracas in one hand and a bell in the other.

2) post Piccolo's Café. We monopolise a corner, barricading in any 'loose' toddlers. And chat. Its a highlight for most weeks.

3) We have our health. And we are lucky. And for that, I am grateful. that doesn't express what I'm feeling quite enough, as we waited to see the midwife today a panicked mother brought her two children back into the drs, they had left minutes before. Both younger than TWW, one having a seizure. Oh the panic/helplessness. We are truly lucky and I don't have the words for how grateful I am.

On a lighter note... Who gives a 40 week pregnant woman a pot to piss in that has a diameter of 1cm?

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