All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Ethan and the miracle blanket

After feeling better yesterday I woke up today feeling like hell. Despite all the literature saying women only tend to get mastitis on one side, I've now developed it on the other side too! Didn't help that it was hubbies first day back at work and Ethan decided to scream blue murder all day long (first day he hasn't been a daytime angel)! Luckily Mum & Dad still here so took over baby duties while I curled up on the sofa.

By early evening, I was so ill, my hubbie phoned NHS24 and we ended up with an appointment at the emergency doctors at St Johns. Have been prescribed double dose of antibiotics and penicillin. We were also worried Ethan wasn't getting enough milk from me as I was struggling to feed him, but have been assured he is fine.

With good timing though, the miracle blanket arrived today. We ordered it a few days ago as it has been recommended by several people on here. So Ethan is now wrapped up in it and ready for bed!

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