Bluest Berries

Wednesday was a day we'd been waiting for. Blueberry picking day! Whoop! We had hoped for several friends to come with us...but gosh darn it......summer is hard to match schedules. We were there for a little over an hour by ourselves, and Sugar was waning. The sun was hot...and her already burned skin was so sensitive. I told her to just wait in the shade of the bushes while I picked. She was getting bored. Then....happily, a friend from school showed up with his little sister. So exciting......I was able to get another hour and half of picking in, and Sugar never complained once. Whew.....glad they showed up. We got 17.5 lbs. More than last year. So glad.

We had some snacks, and headed on home. The Hubby arrived home from Shrimping. He was happy to be home.

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