
By BrownBuddy1

The Blip That Never Was

Have you ever had the perfect photo opportunity, with a funny twist to it, just the perfect blip, but no camera to hand?

Just that happened to me at 3.00a.m. this morning. I was fast asleep, as I generally am at that time in the morning, when a strange noise woke me up. It was an animal noise, a scrabbling and a grunting sort of a noise, "what on earth is that I thought. A fox, a squirrel, a pine-martin? Must get the dogs to protect me", I thought.

I looked round and spotted Bud fast asleep in his cosy bed but where was Poppy? Not in her big, cosy bed, not on my bed, not on any other bed, not even stretched out on the sofa. Then I heard the noise again, it was coming from the utility room. In great trepidation I crept down to the utility room and to my astonishment I spotted the source of the noise.

There squashed up in a tiny ball, in a small, empty, plastic laundry basket was Poppy. The noise was her, attempting to get comfy in this VERY unsuitable, unusual bed.

Now what compels a sensible, large Labrador to forsake her big, cosy, squishy bed for a tiny, uncomfortable laundry basket? I have no answer.

At 3.00 in the morning I had no idea where the camera was, so you have a serious photo of Bud, this afternoon up on the Cats Back. Not funny or original. I shall keep the camera to hand tonight to see if she does it again.

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