Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

Bar Flies.

Two perfectly good reasons for this Odd Blip....

1; I'm trying to stay out of the pub, and
2; I,m missing the pub.

Following the intractable path of logic, then......

1; When not in the pub, one must do housework, and
2; When cleaning the non-glass bits of the windows, I met some new friends, and
3; Decided to open a pub of my own.

It doesnt have a name yet, and not much by the way of regulars, but these are the hardcore, hanging here since the summer season ended.

The toughs on the left are rebels, living fast, dying young, and leaving good-looking corpses...

The hard-chaws on the right are much the same, but with less attractive cadavers....

So, to the dialogue....

Z; "Deadly Buzz*"
Z2; "Yeah, Rapid Deadly Buzz*"
Z; "Turbo Deadly Buzz*"
Z2; "Mental Deadly Buzz*"

And so on.
(* indicates Dublin skankerslang, feel free to goog it)

Va; "This place is a pile of shite..."
Pona; "Fuckin right, not like the pilesashite we had in the old times...."

I like my new pub....

Any suggestions for a name?

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