
I had a day off work so was able to spend it doing lots of useful stuff like working at the allotment for a couple of hours, writing a letter to my doctor and taking it up to the surgery (email would easier, surely?), hoovering under the futon base (the fluff, the fluff!) and picking up a couple of items in Lidl. It's always a risk, going in there for extra virgin olive oil and some washing liquid but with the possibility of (better than that!) coming out with a standard olive tree and a small chemistry set.

The day had started oddly due to the arrival of an email from an old friend in Belgium asking if I would so some acting in a film he's scripted. He assured me that I could do the part via Skype. I shall have regretfully to decline due to lack of time, never mind total lack of acting ability. I'll look forward to seeing the finished article though, particularly a certain ogatodomar who is allegedly playing the role of a postman.

The photo is of the lovely clump of yellow loosestrife that comes up every year beside our neighbour's shed at the allotment. Lysimachia punctata, I think. It was only when I typed the name that it occurred to me what a very strange word "loosestrife" is.

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