
...the living room curtains returned to hanging and the piano delivered from the Recycling Depot by a troupe of vitally busy and strong men, strong and handsome and wonderful. They worked so hard and left so quickly it recalled to me the fairy tale stories about creative industry. Spinning cloth. Making shoes. Delivering pianos.

On the left hand side of the image is a glimpse of the curtain I purchased for the kitchen draped over a chair at a desk. The fabric has a heavy woven look not dissimilar to linen but a sheen like a shantung.

My mind turned to thinking on the character who spun straw into gold.

As soon as the weather is warmer I will look through more of your journals, blippers. Missing your images and commenting. Not using heating for an interim still I continue finding tasks to do that keep me warm or blissfully wrap in quilt clutching hot water bottle ...and watching movies or television.

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