
What a day! It started out with a disaster. At 6:30 am we got a phone call telling us that my brother in law's weekender at the farm was burning. It seems a fire started in the gas fridge and the house has been destroyed. Fortunately his daughter and her partner who were staying there just managed to escape with their lives. So I guess we can only be thankful that far worse didn't occur.

That put a bit of a dampener on our day, but we went to Lighthouse Beach from where we could see more whales, in the distance this time.

We called at Julia's home where I got this shot of a lovely pelican from her balcony. She is staying right beside the river. I had tried getting some beach shots of slow motion waves but have a lot to learn. Despite using an ND filter they were too overexposed. I think I need to try later in the day when it is not so bright. (OK, or earlier).

Then at 4pm the most exciting thing happened - Julia bought a unit in Cammeray (Sydney - she will be moving back there soon). Graham bid at the auction for her, and after so many vain attempts one of our children is finally a homeowner! Just think of the stuff we can start moving out of our place:-)) Bitter sweet to lose and gain a house in the family in one day.

Tonight we enjoyed meeting two of her friends who came around for dinner. It's been a long day so I'm sure you will forgive me for being a bit behind on blupping, oops! blipping.

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