A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister

Bank vole

We visited Abernethy Forest and Loch Garten. There were three Osprey chicks in the nest. They were huge and flapping their wings very strongly, apparently be getting ready to leave soon. This little creature was scurrying about outside the centre and the feeders were very busy with small birds. I think it is a bank vole Myodes glareolus but I am not sure. We then went for a walk in the forest proper where I was determined to see Crested Tits. My patience paid off when I was watching a little flock of fledgling Blue Tits and found two cresties among them. Only saw them briefly but I didn't care! Also saw Spotted Flycatchers which was another bird I had wanted to see. No Crossbills sadly but hopefully another time.

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