Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

Elephant ride

After coming down from the stress of leaving Australia, the culture shock of arriving in SE Asia, and a slight cold for the past few days in Chiang Mai Lina and I are beginning our trip in earnest.

Today we set off on a motorbike trip for the week through the mountains of the north. Our first stop was Doi Inthanon, the highest peak in Thailand. After the stifling heat of the lowlands the cool, green slopes of Inthanon are a blessing of sweet relief.

Taking the bike up to the summit it is downright cold. Mountain rhododendrums are in bloom at these high spring latitudes. Forest birds warble and forages through the misty canopy. And sweeping views take in the hazy plains below. At the very top was a silent forest shrine with elephant statues - good luck. Being in Thailand of course, Lina had to go for a ride :)

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