at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Teeny tiny Big girl

I guess I could have cropped this photo but I liked how teeny tiny looked doing something as grown up as standing up to play by herself at the indoor soft play today. was meeting up with some mums in eastkilbride who also carry their babies about- was passing a pair of my homemade suckpads onto Sam who I went to primary school with- at the rainforest adventure. Walked home so Ivy could have a nap on my back and stopped in the town center- where Ivy practised shouting to make echos and persauded a lovely old lady in Costa to give her a chocolate biscuit.

Ivy also appears in her pop's blip today- she got up at 4am to go play with him today. Euan is away todayat a friend's wedding. Ivy has been mostly okay with this- until it got to bath time and then she wanted to know where he'd got to.

She manageed to convince Pops she didn't need an afternoon nap today- so was a bit tired and grumpy by dinner. A pre-dinner peach cheered her up immensly though. She's a bit of a fruit bat is our Ivy.

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