Still Here!

By Yorkhull

Poppy field

I have been to a garden party of an old friend. We first met in 1977 when I came to work in Doncaster as a probation officer. I lodged with him, K and his then wife L, with their two children S and L whilst I sorted out my first house. I admired them as a family group and when they had a third child in 1979 H, I became guardian to their children. When they moved to their present location in 1983 and with me married and having kids etc we saw less and less of each other. The children grew up, L and K drifted apart and divorced but the family unit stayed strong.

Today both K and L were there with their respective new partners. H, now 35 with grandchild, S now with three grandchildren and their third child L with children but working in New Zealand. Despite all their changes in life family remains important to them and they share their grandchildren together with ease. I had not seen H for thirty years nor S so it was good to catch up. I took loads of photos of kids but in the end saw this poppy field on the way home and decided it was just a nice capture so decided this would be my blip. Dedicated to the lovely W family!

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