Dancing with Wolves

Brilliant and wonderful to see these wild animals so up close and personal!

Sitting outside the hidden enclosure in a lay-by eating my sandwich I could hear the howls and was wondering what was in store for me! For a few minutes I was a tad apprehensive too I might add.

What a wonderful experience today at the Anglian Wolf Society venue. Opened for conservation, education and a chance for people to study them, these wolves do accept humans apparently as friends - not in the dog friend sense tho' I feel.

Cherokee Proverb:

'One is evil. It is anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, lies, inferiority and ego.
The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy and truth.

The wolf that wins?

The one you feed.'

A proverb that I feel ticks the boxes. However we also have:

'May the wolf walk beside you
and grant you rest in his shoulders
May his paws guide your path...'

Well yes ...probably to his Tandoor oven round the back......

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