The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Wimbledon Final

I decided not to go to sleep last night. No one for the life of them knows why!! Me and my mummy played a game of in the cot out the cot in the bed out the bed round the house and round the house again. I think she enjoyed it.

I spent the rest of the morning with my daddy. I was hoping for more Dexter but we watched UFC instead.

In the afternoon I went to Aunty S's house to watch the tennis. I fell asleep before it finished so I'm not sure if Djokovic took his top off - apparently that's the best bit.

I got lovely cuddles from granny and granda Agnew today. My granny brought me a pop up book and my granda told me off for not sleeping. I've promised him I'll sleep tonight...

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