
By Dotty

Morning run

I didn't sleep well last night. I know why: it's partly thyroid and mostly a need to wake up every couple of hours to pinch myself to make sure that life isn't just really a very nice dream. Even if it is, it's still a very lovely one to be having, so I shall try and concentrate on enjoying it.

I'd intended to go out for a short run this morning, but then I thought that I hadn't run at all since passing the 5km barrier last Tuesday: in new trainers, which are lovely and light, but are settling in and have given me blisters under the arch of my foot. And then I didn't want to run at all, and thought that maybe I could try and sleep for another 2 hour slot.

But then I got cross with myself for being a lazy arse, and even if I got up and only ran 5km, it would be better than sitting in bed and drinking tea. I'm not quite sure when sitting in bed drinking tea on a Sunday morning got trumped by 'just' a 5km run, but it seems it has.

So off I popped. and I got to the point of my 5km route where I'd normally turn right and decided to carry on a little bit further. And it was beautiful, and cool, and still and I wanted to stay with it. And I'd kind of found my rhythm and got thinking that if I could do 7km on Tuesday, it wouldn't be so hard to do 10km. Or at least match the 7km. So I decided to go for 7km and anything after would be a bonus. And a PB. I do like my PBs. At 5km, I'd gone over my 30 minute marker by 30 seconds, so I couldn't leave it as a short run: I was obviously pacing myself for a long run... (I chose to ignore the fact I'd stopped to take photos).

At 9.1km my legs turned to lead. I don't remember the bit between 7km and 9.1km, apart from running alongside bunnies and deer and feeling the delicious cool damp of wet cow parsley against my legs. But 9.1km was far too close to 10km to give up. Then it was 11km and my legs got tired again, but ELO came on the playlist and told me I had to hold on tight. So I did.

And somehow, before 7am on a Sunday morning, I ran 13.2km. Further than I've ever run in my life before. And somehow that half marathon seems really very doable. Not just doable - desirable. Actually, desirable doesn't come close. I NEED to run that half marathon.

I need to run.

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