
By Munklebob

Busy Little Bees

Been busy little bees today, working on the garden and the house. I appear to be all better now barring the occasional cough.
Things are starting to take shape domestically speaking, more outdoors than in but that's a work in progress. We have a few birds visiting the garden and a number of insects. We won't mention the arachnids who were exceedingly pleased when we decked the garden giving them a million places to set up shop.
I took a small break to photograph some of the insects we have residing Chez Wilson. This little lady is a Mason Bee who has taken residence in one of our many insect houses around the garden. I also spotted a Leaf Cutter Bee making a home under a plant plot Amanda was planning to move to the front garden. This took place much to her annoyance. It will undoubtably be planning on placing some larvae there soon meaning it'll have to stay put until next Spring.

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