
By scribbler

St. Paddy's

St. Patrick's is the oldest Catholic church in Portland, built in 1889. (SOOC)

Oy, what a day. I ended up stopping at St. Mary's Cathedral to turn in my offering, then to Trinity Cathedral with another offering envelope, then went to mass at St. Patrick's. Don't ask! I am just a Wandering Jew. As you can tell, this can be expensive! It was a very nice mass, and I may go there more often. Bill the Dean is leaving Trinity in a few weeks to become Bill the Rector of Trinity Wall Street in Manhattan, and Mary Anne the new priest is gone, and I'm feeling my roots there loosening.

Problems with my library account. Rather frustrating. Spent the afternoon composing an email to the Director, trying to be firm but polite. Finally clicked Send and discovered she is on vacation, so I sent a copy to her deputy. Fingers crossed. Meanwhile long awaited DVDs are coming in and I can't borrow them.

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