Tears and Tartan

A second night of decent sleep without painkillers (but having consumed some alcohol and taken in plenty of fresh air in Wales yesterday).

Today, it was the turn of Scotland.

Except, fortunately, Scotland came to us.

Corin and I have photographed a wedding today. The Bride's family are Scottish which resulted in all of the Groom's party wearing full tartan regalia. Just looks so superb.

We also had the pleasure of the company of this wonderful gentleman, who played his bagpipes with talent and gusto at various stages through the afternoon.

It's nearly 2 years since I shot a wedding, my illness meaning that I have avoided taking anything on outside of my normal day to day work. However, I have a connection with the Bride's family, going back some 30 years, to my high school days. It was an absolute delight to see the Bride's Mum and Dad after such a long time and to be treated with such warmth and interest in how I am doing. Equally, to see my lovely friend (the bride's sister) and finally meet her husband and son just made me grin from ear to ear. How easily we were able to chat is a reminder that friends remain friends no matter the time or distance.

I have only processed my first card. I shot completely in RAW for the first time at a wedding and what a difference that makes. Two cards to go, plus Corin's stealth shots as well.

Congratulations Nicola and Jamie. Thank you for allowing us to be part of your day, it was wonderful. xxx

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