Dare Mighty Things

By dcomp

Nadia's Birthday Brunch

Yesterday was my step-mum’s birthday. She doesn’t like me calling her step-mum and, to be honest, I don’t like calling her that either: It conjures up images of Cruella De Ville….which happens to be everything she isn’t.

Life blessed me in may ways but particularly when it comes to my step-parents…they are truly brilliant.

Today, myself, Isabelle and Emilio took my Dad and Nadia (step-mum) to what should have been breakfast. I say ‘should have been' because the time it should have happened and the time it actually happened were about 90 minutes apart. I blame the search for a Robot and You Tube videos of remote control helicopters…. and perhaps a little of my own disorganisation!

We went to Waterside Cafe, a lovely little cafe on the bank of Hawkhurst Fish Farm: Another place I would thoroughly recommend. This breakfast spot is good at any time of year but particularly on a sunny summer morning where a seat by the water is hard to come by but eminently worth the wait. Unfortunately, we got neither a summer morning or a waterside table but we did get one of the best breakfasts around.

After a ‘Big Breakfast’ washed down with strong coffee and a fresh orange juice, the 5 of us took a short walk to see the sites around the fish farm, taking in the Koi Carp shop and the soon to close paint-your-own-pottery shop, out past the little waterfall to the banks of the lakes and up to the children’s fishing area.

We don’t do things like this together that often but today was a wonderful ‘why don’t we do this more often' reminder. Half an hour in the car and a pound heavier doesn’t hurt every few weeks.

And while it doesn’t always have to be for a birthday, today, that was exactly the reason, and I’m really glad we did it.

Happy birthday, Nadia. Thank you for everything you do. We love you loads. xx

P.S. No, Isabelle and nadia didn't pre-plan their outfits and no, we didn't spot it sooner than when it was pointed out just now!

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