The rubbish train

I was working busily at home for most of the day, but nipped up to the West End at lunchtime to pick up some post and do a short yoga session. Well, "nipped" up, but certainly not back - I made the basic Edinburgh mistake of getting on a bus that had to pass along Princes Street during July (or August). The vast numbers of bemused tourists getting on to ask for directions at each stop mean that progress is snail-like. I've seen snails move faster, to be honest. I should remember always to wait for a no 36.

Still, the journey back meant that I had to switch buses somewhere on the Walk and I chose Shrubhill. As I awaited a suitable Leith conveyance, I heard a low rumbling beneath my feet. I dashed to the parapet and took a photo without being able to see what was in the viewfinder, and this is the result - it's a rare sighting of the train that takes empty containers back to the Powderhall depot ready to be filled up with Edinburgh's rubbish and then to be taken out to the landfill site just south of Dunbar. Eloquently described in this even older blip by acronymphomania!

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