I Love You Big Dog

One of the reasons we adopted Tara at this time was because we still have our Elder Dog JAZ. She is almost 16 now but still the best possible role model for a silly black puppy! She is amazingly patient, even when Tara knocks her over in her exuberance. We were initially concerned for Tara's wellbeing because JAZ has always been VERY dog aggressive. But in these later years she has obviously mellowed, thank goodness, and does an exemplary job showing the kid what it means to be the Big Dog in the house. We breathe a sigh of relief each day that JAZ is still on the job because Maica is 'worthless' when it comes to setting anything that even resembles a good example. LOL!

So I will continue to blip our Big Dog JAZ in her roles as friend, companion, guardian, floor cleaner, protector of the cat and Good Role Model...for as long as I'm able. :)

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