Perfect Match #3

Another in the Perfect Match street mural series.

I expected the sun would be shining on this mural this morning so I hopped on the bike and headed down to the back lane of 16 Frampton Avenue, Marrickville only to find the door was still shaded so tonight after book club I took this replacement flash image which I think is better. Best to view LARGE.

On Saturday I spoke to the artist and the owner of this mural and they explained what this complex artwork is about;
* the form of the coloured rims represents Cooks River which flows through Marrickville.
* the various coloured bricks along the top of the top of the garage symbolise the diversity of the local history including market gardens, dairies, brickworks, steel industry and now its cultural diversity.
* the unpainted brickwork on the left signifies the various layers of history.
* the various coloured ribs identify the 51 nations that are represented in Marrickville according to the 2011 census. The length of each bar relates to the number of each group and the colour is a derivative of their flag.
* the line work sketches detail the history of Marrickville based on old newspapers, etc. This is overlayed over the top of the colours to form a diversity that is current day Marrickville.

What struck me about this mural is the intricate detail that involved lots of planning and discussion between the owner and artist. Hope you find it interesting.

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