
By rachelhpreston

Bus to Bogotá

Today we travelled from Manizales back to Bogotá where everything started 4 months ago. The bus journey was almost 9 hours long on roads that my family like to call 'Spaghetti' (aka very windy, bendy mountain roads!). This does mean amazing scenery but it also means that nothing stays where you put it and you are constantly falling into the person next to you! Although 9 hours is a very long time in a bus, it could have been much worse as the Bolivariano buses are really quite nice - it was a considerably more comfortable bus ride than my Nairobi-Tanzania journey!
I'm now sat in the computer room at the school in Bogotá catching up on a few things like this. It's so strange to be back here, it makes our time in Santa Marta almost feel so surreal. It's also flipping freezing, I have so many layers: Leggings, Trousers, 2 pairs of thick socks, a t-shirt, hoody, coat, scarf, hand warmers and a blanket on. I look and feel like michelin man!!! How am I going to survive in England...?

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