
By scribbler


Renee at Laura Russo Gallery with an armful of art brochures. (SOOC)

Renee and I have known each other almost thirty years. We hadn't seen each other since she moved to Hawaii in 2005. She is one of the few artists I know who've managed to earn a living from their art. After a long hiatus she is starting to work with clay again, cunning little pinch pots incised with mark-making, unglazed. (She showed me photos on her iPhone.)

We met for lunch, looked at pottery in two galleries, and finished with iced tea.

Renee and her identical twin sister have written a memoir and are currently trying to get it published. It's so hard to get a publisher, or even an agent. We discussed the pros and cons of self-publishing, which is my plan. Renee wouldn't mind traveling around the country giving readings in bookstores — to me that sounds like Purgatory.


Great reunion, but needless to say I didn't get any work done on my novel today. I am sick of my novel. I am sick of talking about my novel. I think I am going to stop talking about my novel until I actually have something to say. Please be patient with me.


As Giacomo said recently, "I am sorry I have been awful at visiting journals but thank you for your visits here."

I haven't said this in a while, but I'm really touched by your continued visits when I've been so negligent in returning them. It's not that I don't want to! Whenever I try to play catchup I get engrossed for hours. It's like (appropriate to today) visiting old friends you haven't seen in ages. Then I have to wrench myself away again. Boo hoo. And back to the ....

Blessings on your days, and blessings on your blips.

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