Clouds building towards a wet afternoon

This shot was taken in the carpark of the Village Hotel and Leisure Centre on our way in for the weakly swim. The "a" in weakly is appropriate in my case as the swim was not easy at all, couldn't get a rhythm, but got cramp in unusual places, kept on getting splashed in the face as taking a breath and so on. I was pleased to get to the other side of the swim.

The afternoon was taken working on the prison contract. I wasn't intending that at all. I was planning a couple of hours at the computer and a couple of hours at the allotment, clearing away broadbeans, planting out dwarf french beans and leeks and sowing some carrots. But the clouds you see here had invited their mates over for a pool party so by the afternoon it was raining and the allotment was abandoned until tomorow. Very good to see the rain though.

In the evening we went out the Wetherspoons "Society Rooms" for a meal with Chris and Wendy. Very good evening it was too. Food and company was very good! When we left the score was Brazil 0-1 Germany. When we arrived home it was 0-5 and finished up 1-7 to Germany. Has there ever been such a result in the history of soccer, let alone the World Cup? I thought the 0-5 defeat of Germany by England, in Germany some years ago would take some beating. It has now.

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